Saturday, September 30, 2006

Quotable Quotes

Professor: Are there any patients in which you would not use a blood pressure cuff on the arm?
Student: Amputees.

The answer was mainly women who had a masectomy due to lymphadema and hemodialysis patients with vascular grafts.
The professor who gave the lecture on the pelvis was so great. She not only explained the anatomy really clearly, but also threw in random jokes, as if it were a stand-up comedy set. At the end, she said, "So...yesterday, I had some problems with urination and I called the urology department here. I got their answering machine which said, 'Can you hold?'"
In anatomy, we were looking at a prosection of the pelvis. (A prosection is a specific part of the cadaver pre-dissected by anatomy faculty to show things that might be hard to find). The problem is that a prosection is an isolated body part removed from the whole body. The second-year student explaining this said, "Sometimes, you can't tell what part of the body the prosection is from, and that can be a pain in the butt," as he pointed to prosection of the pelvis we were examining.

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