Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Organs Block

This next block, Organs, hits some of the fundamental systems of human biology: the heart, the lungs, and the kidneys. We have about 6 weeks of cardiovascular, 3 weeks of pulmonary, and 4 weeks of renal. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. In undergrad, I took human physiology and we spent about 3 weeks on each system, and class only met 3 times a week. Now, organs is all we're doing. We're going to get a lot of it, and by the end, we'll hopefully be somewhat comfortable and proficient with its related anatomy, physiology, pathology, and medicine.

In any case, I'm very excited about cardiology. I love the heart. It makes a lot of intuitive sense; the electrical activity and mechanical characteristics are very logical and straightforward. As an undergrad, I took a medical physiology seminar and the human physiology course, so much of this is review. My research focused a lot on adrenergic receptors, so I have some grasp of pharmacology. In my research, I took EKGs on mice, looked at PV-loops, and studied the molecular basis of cardiovascular physiology. This block will be fun. I will definitely keep cardiology a possibility in the future.

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