Monday, May 28, 2007

Catching Up

This upcoming exam has a random smattering of subjects. Some of the interesting ones are sensory organs; though in the past, I never really liked studying vision, hearing, and balance, it's actually quite amazing to think about how perfectly "designed" these structures are. It's also amusing to me that in the eye lectures, the professor showed a number of optic illusions and we were all amazed. The less interesting subjects for me are pharmacology and histology-pathology. We're starting to get bombarded with a lot of drugs whose names have no rhyme or reason (now I start to miss the -lol beta blockers and -pril ACE inhibitors). Some drugs are interesting because they've made it into pop culture (Prozac, Valium), but it's still a lot of memorization. Histology-pathology for BMB is a little different than in the past. Everything is taught in small groups with projected slides rather than specimens and microscopes. I miss seeing the actual pathology specimens; those are kind of cool. And though it's nice to have labeled slides, I also miss the independence of working the microscopes.

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