Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Change of Pace

All the hand-holding and coddling is over. Out of the frying pan into the fire. I've been treating the last few weeks like I was still on vacation - going out, having fun, not doing much reading. That's all going to change on Monday when rotations begin.

I don't really know what to expect. They've told us, warned us, but I don't feel entirely prepared. It'll be a big adjustment figuring out how to deal with patients rather than classrooms, attendings rather than professors. There is a sense of apprehension and excitement. This is what we came to medical school for. But is it what we're ready to do?

Right now, it's hard to predict how much time I will have to blog. I will try to keep this updated and timely, but it's not at the top of my list of priorities. I'm attempting to change a few things. I want to write one poem or story excerpt a week. I will try to document what I'm doing, interesting happenings, and unique patients (as complies with privacy laws). I'll also attempt to reflect on personal changes (and hopefully growth) during these clinical rotations.

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