I've just started my four week neurology rotation at San Francisco General Hospital. It's a big change from psychiatry. The hours are longer, the atmosphere is more intense, the expectations are higher. The teams are made up of a senior and junior resident and the three medical students and we manage a significant ward census and patient turnover. The attending is fantastic and has a strong dedication to good teaching. The bread-and-butter cases here are mostly stroke and substance abuse.
The day begins with pre-rounding on our patients at around 5:30 or 6. Work rounds begin at 7 with the residents seeing every patient and deciding on the to-do list and orders. Attending rounds are at 10 when the attending card-flips and then sees new patients or discusses a particular case in depth. The afternoon consists of getting all the work done for our patients, admitting new patients, and discharging old patients. We usually end from 5-7 in the evening. Call is every fourth night and goes until about 10pm. The structure is really similar to medicine and brutal.
craig, do you not have overnight call? we have the 28 hour rule here...