Friday, July 25, 2008

A Day in the Life of Psych C/L II

Four people in a car playing hot potato (or Russian roulette) with a lit firecracker. It is passed to the driver when it blows up, destroying his entire dominant hand.

A man who, in the morning, claims he is a state assembly person from Texas, listing people who could be contacted to verify his political career. In the afternoon, he is completely bewildered why he would say that; he's never even lived in Texas.

A MUNI bus driver who was assaulted with a lead pipe, possibly causing PTSD. She also has a cluster B personality disorder (like borderline) and has alienated nearly the entire staff on her ward.

A man who can't remember where he lives, how he got to the hospital, even what he enjoys doing. He can name his family members but has no idea when he last saw them or where they are.

A man who presented floridly psychotic, claiming he was a doctor and part of the FBI, talking to empty spaces in the room, disoriented to time, place, and person. He later develops chest pain, and the question is whether he can consent to an invasive procedure or whether it would even be beneficial given his psychiatric conditions and unlikelihood of taking medications correctly.

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