Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Day in the Life of Psych C/L I

A paranoid and disorganized schizophrenic who does not recognize when others are in the room, constantly mumbling self-dialogue and flailing all four extremities. If you listen closely, you realize he's plagued by demons and spends his life trying to exorcise those foul spirits.

A man in his forties who crashed his motorcycle after an 80mph high speed chase, drunk and high on cocaine, now nearly completely paralyzed. A family who bands together despite previous estrangements to visit his beside in the ICU daily.

A woman in her 20s, pregnant in her second trimester, who has lost weight from 104 to 86lbs.

An HIV positive man, antagonistic towards those around him, completely convinced that parasites travel within his body, migrating between his ears, and crawling under his skin. In severe renal failure, he's been kicked out of enough dialysis sites that he has nowhere to go.

A man who tried to commit suicide with turpentine, alcohol, GHB, and cocaine, now saying that he wants a pen to stab himself in the heart. When asked about suicidal thoughts, he says "why? Will you try to stop me?"

A woman who is refusing a life-saving pacemaker because it is against her religious beliefs as a Christian Scientist. That's usually okay, but we were called to assess her capacity to refuse this treatment. To see if she understood what was going on, we asked her to explain a pacemaker and she said it is "an envelope that sees my heart."

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