Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week 7 and a Short Break from Blogging

Aside from the burns and plastic surgery cases I did, I also had some interesting operations when I was on call. We had an intra-operative consult from ob/gyn. They were doing a hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy in a woman who had many previous abdominal surgeries. As a result, she had a lot of adhesions involving her small bowel. Ob/gyn wanted us (trauma surgery) to come and take down the adhesions because of the danger of damaging the bowel. Afterwards, I got to see them do a partial hysterectomy and take out surprisingly large fibroids. It was interesting seeing the role of multiple surgeons working on one patient. We also had an acute appy which we took out laparoscopically and a patient who had a near amputation of a distal middle finger. Unfortunately, the finger was not salvageable and we had to complete the amputation and sew up the end. The other thing that happened this week was that the chief of surgery and his wife invited the students over for dinner. That was quite nice, and I learned a lot about the history of Fresno and the hospital.

I have decided to take a short one week break from blogging. The next blog will be next weekend. I'm going to use the time to study for our surgery shelf exam.

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