Saturday, July 04, 2009

July 4

The critical care fellow during my ICU rotation was an army trauma surgeon who had done three tours in Iraq. He had a wealth of experiences and unbelievable stories from the war. One of the stories I particularly enjoyed was about blood. They only carried a limited amount of packed red blood cells for transfusions; when he was there, they didn't even have fresh frozen plasma (FFP) or platelets. However, most of what they saw was trauma: gun-shot wounds and improvised explosive devices. Such cases can require massive amounts of transfusion. But he said it was never a problem; if they needed blood, they would put out a call and the "walking blood bank" - soldiers - would line up to donate. The soldiers didn't know whether the blood was going to a comrade, a civilian, or an insurgent, and it didn't matter; they simply stuck out their arms to give. That story put a smile on my face.

The other thing that made me grin was that one of my friends is attending a wedding today. Ironic, isn't it, to get married on Independence Day. Happy 4th, everyone.

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