Thursday, September 17, 2009


ERAS is that dreaded residency application that divides my classmates into two camps: those beading with sweat, furiously working into the late hours of the night and those who with relief have sent their fate off, awaiting replies with apprehension. Gratefully, I have stepped from the prior camp to the latter. The process has been harrowing. Though it is perhaps a touch easier than the medical school application ordeal, it is still reasonably nerve-racking. Unfortunately, things are less transparent as each specialty has its own quirks, and there are a lot of rumors and hearsay out there. But after wading through the process and reflecting on my past four years and motivations for the future, I'm glad to be done with the first pass metabolism. This process has also reaffirmed my decision for anesthesia and perioperative medicine; the next four years are going to be fantastic. Now that my applications are in, I am simply waiting for replies. If any program directors arrive at this website, welcome!

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