Saturday, May 01, 2010

Exploring the Bay Area

As the end of fourth year looms menacingly over our heads, we've been trying to stuff ourselves with as much of San Francisco and the greater Bay Area as we can. I've been taking advantage of the flexibility of a light schedule to accomplish as much of my to-do list as possible. One of my friends and I visited the California Academy of Sciences where I snapped a picture of the albino crocodile shown above. I've visited the Cal Academy a few times and I love it; it's so close, educational, and fun. This was the first time I watched the planetarium show which reminded me of how much I love astronomy. Then we made the usual visits to the penguins, aquarium, living roof, and rainforest where we were greeted by beautiful butterflies.

The following day, friends and I did a hike out at Point Reyes. It was breathtakingly gorgeous. We took the ten miles at a leisurely pace, wading through fields of wildflowers, observing elk, making our way to a beautiful bluff. We had picnic by the beach, and listening to and smelling the ocean reminded me how beautiful California is.

All three images are mine.

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