Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jeopardy II

Unfortunately, I was jeopardized a second time to cover a ward team's call. Call is much tougher than an ED shift because it is a 30 hour ordeal where I have to assume care of old patients I've never met. Surprisingly, I was able to discharge 3 of the old patients on the call day, and I admitted six. One was diagnostically perplexing - an older woman with myoclonus and muscle fasciculations of unknown etiology. Another was consult heavy - a new diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. But overall, it wasn't too bad as call nights go. At least jeopardy this time of year is less harrowing than having it earlier because I've been at all the hospitals and know how the logistics go. Unfortunately, it means my light geriatrics rotation was cut prematurely short.

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