Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Medical Noise

Because of how busy residency is, I haven't really mingled all that much with the blogosphere. There's really been an explosion in social media in the last few years; when I started blogging in 2001, there was only Blogger, Xanga, and Livejournal. Each teenager (mostly) carved out a little space in the internet for him and his friends to read. There were some discussion boards, and ASCII was all the rage.

But now, people are Twittering from planes, spreading viral videos on Facebook, trying to get +1 momentum on Google+, teaching classes via podcasts, collaborating over wikis. Careers, fortunes, and reputations have been made on the Internet. I pretty much missed the boat. This blog has been trucking along  for years and I haven't really cultivated a lot around it. It's never been a high priority to garner readers or engage with other bloggers, though I did make some inroads with UCSF Synapse, the student newspaper.

In any case, I did catch the attention of a reader, David, who works for a JRS Medical Supply, who referred me to Jason, editor of the blog Medical Noise. They did a quick interview which is posted hereThanks for supporting me, and hopefully this small attempt to drum up some more attention will turn out well.

In the same vein of things, my other blog Case of the Day can be found here.

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