Saturday, September 01, 2012

Blue Moon

Last night, I noticed the most brilliant moon and realized it was the second full moon of the month. Time seems to pass quicker and quicker. All of a sudden, August is over, supermarkets are stocked with Halloween candy, and pediatric anesthesia slows down as kids go back to school. In a few months, I will have to decide what I want to do for fellowship - post-resident training. In a year and a half, I should be a fully qualified independent anesthesiologist. There never seems to be time to rest, time to coast, time to slack. I am a little envious of my friends in other jobs who have achieved a peaceful routine, who aren't always racing toward the next checkpoint, in constant acceleration. Most of the time, I don't mind it; after all, this is the path I've traced out for myself, with its unique satisfactions and humbling responsibilities.

Blue Moon from yesterday, taken in Ecuador, shown under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License, from Wikipedia.

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