Wednesday, October 02, 2013

If I Had More Time...

Perhaps it is inherent to this time in life or stage in my career or my generation, but I never seem to have enough time. I have so many topics I want to blog about yet I struggle to find time to proofread the posts I publish. There are aspects of anesthesia I want to read more about but each evening, bedtime comes before I can pull up PubMed (it doesn't help that the government shutdown's tentacles have ensnared PubMed either). If I had more time, I'd reimmerse myself in philosophy, visit the library more often, write more poetry. I recently came across articles discussing the German Tank Problem and the Doomsday Argument, fascinating queries involving philosophy of science and mathematics, and it reminded me of a course I took on philosophy of physics. There was a time when I had the luxury of time to ponder on such thought experiments, and it feels a little sad now that my life has pared itself down to simplicity. I reassure myself that such is the reality of residency or perhaps this is the nature of most people at my stage in life. Each night, as I fall asleep, I resolve to make more time, more time to write, dance, read, learn, discuss, play, exercise, and work.

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