Friday, November 29, 2013


I am thankful this year for my health and the health of my family and friends. It's easy to take our health for granted; this is why health insurance is such a complicated issue. We think ourselves invincible, unlimited, unfettered, at least until we aren't. Perhaps I gain more of an awareness of the tenuous nature of health by working in the hospital and seeing the college student with appendicitis, the pregnant woman with placenta accreta that needs a massive transfusion, the high-powered businessman whose stress and anxiety never let him relax. Reflecting on this post-call holiday, I am most grateful that I am healthy. I am tired, I am weathered, I have minor aches and pains, but overall, I am healthy. And my gratitude extends to all those I love who are also more-or-less healthy. Take care, be safe, and be well this holiday season.

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