Sunday, November 23, 2014

Social Media

For a long time, I didn't bother much with social media. Although I think social media is exciting and has the potential to be influential, I tend to be a late adopter of technologies. I never craved garnering lots of followers or developing a social media reputation. However, over the last few years, I've slowly developed more of an online presence, and I like it. I've always tried to put good content up, and though I don't have flashy videos, graphics, or designs, I hope that some of my thoughts on medicine are worth readings.

Recently, several of my blogs for The American Resident Project have been picked up by KevinMD. Most recently, I wrote a commentary on quality ratings for health care providers in the U.S. A list of all the posts he's reblogged can be found here. I think cross-pollination is important because solving health care problems is a discussion, and I want to engage others (like you!) in conversation. I do appreciate it if you follow this blog, rebroadcast ideas, and leave comments. My goal isn't popularity or number of hits, but focusing attention on medical stories, problems, and ideas so we can improve health care as a whole. Thank you for those you already read, follow, or comment. It helps me justify those late nights researching and writing these blogs.

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