Saturday, February 06, 2016


The outbreak of Zika virus, along with all the other recent global outbreaks - Ebola, Avian flu, swine flu, Chikungunya, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus, etc. - remind me of the global nature of infectious disease and public health. Each individual disease will come and go, but the problem will not go away. The globalization of the world, the ease of travel, the disparities in living conditions and health care, and environmental changes with global warming will make global infectious disease a recurring threat. I recently reread Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, and it really strikes home. If we do not work on improving global health conditions and reducing health disparities, if we do not start studying and focusing on what global warming means, if we do not create the resources to tackle emerging diseases, one of these microbes will get out of hand.

Zika Virus electron micrograph is in the public domain, from

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